
Statue of Liberty?

There are some things in this world that pretty much everyone of us human beings recognizes, no matter where we live or how rich or old we are. Things like CocaCola, the big yellow M, Britney Spears' music and maybe the statue of liberty...? I was looking through photos I took when I was in New York last June together with Praise unit, and found this photo I took of the Statue of Liberty.

It hit me, that there is another famous statue to which the name "statue of liberty" would be even more appropriate. It's the statue of Jesus looking over the city of Rio de Janeiro. Statue of liberty, freedom, love, mercy, joy, truth...

How many people out there in the world knows about the name Jesus? As many as are aware of what McDonalds is? It saddens me, but maybe a commercial company is more wellknown than our savior himself. How can that be and can we do something to change that?
That is our challange.

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