
Do swedish christians need a music fight?

My home church has a very welcoming attitude to new styles of music. Maybe it's because all the arguments and sometimes upset discussions that went on when Joybells, our youth choir, started singing with drums and bass back in the 60's. I am proud of the tolerance that my church shows singers and musicians who like gospel, pop, disco, heavy metal, country, hymns and so on. In Sweden today there is a general tolerance for new music styles in the church. But the strange thing is that many swedish christians still show very little interest in making music in church. You still hear comments like "boring", "oldfashioned" and "lame" about church music. Why? How can we live in a country where many churches tolerate almost any style of music, and still be bored? Could it be that we need the kind of fight that Joybells had when they started? The kind of fight that makes you think about what you believe in? Personally I don't like to use the word "fight", but I do believe that fascinating ideas can come from the kind of fights where you don't aim to proove that the other guy is wrong, and instead aim to clarify why you think you are right. You understand the difference? The music battle between generations that we see everywhere can be inspiring, even fun, if you are able to show and receive love as you discuss your different opinions. Could I be right about this?


Anonymous said...

Maybe you are right, but it can also be too much.

Stefanie said...

I guess there's a lot of truth in that. Unlike to fight AGAINST somthing to fight FOR something can be very positive. It shows, how much energy one has to point out his oppinion, his faith. But nevertheless you won't convince everyone...I'm not sure if this has got something to do with the different generations. Even older people may like modern music and modern forms of praying. And some people just like to critizice - especially people in church ;-)

Samuel Ekman said...

Bra tänkt! Hur går vi vidare med svensk kristen musik?

Anonymous said...

Wisdom, endurance and humor. Here in Switzerland we see more and more pop-musicians making music in church. And it's also about connacting the generations with new and old elements. But it's not that easy, needs some time.