
The perfect sound!

A Praise Unit concert is sometimes a pretty big project for the sound engineer. The singers love to move all over the stage, three of the musicians have their own laptops connected to the sound system, we have a lot of extra small mixer boards on the stage, and we need three solo mics on top of all the other vocal mics. So there are a lot of things to coordinate to get the Praise Unit sound. And still, sometimes, it is too loud or too edgy or too blurry or whatever, for some people's ears. So sometimes I get the question "can you make it simpler?", and of course we can. There are always ways to make things simpler, and I love simplicity too! I love it when my singers sing accapella without microphones, I love it when Kristian is jamming on the piano in the hallway and I love it when we practice our songs in the tour bus. But for me it is also important to praise God in the best way I can, and I can do that together with the rest of Praise Unit. We try our best when we rehearse the music, when we do our dance moves, when we select clothes and we work with the techniques for the sound. So that everything together becomes a statement of worship -the Praise Unit way to praise God! It IS the perfect sound, because it glorifies God, but it is not better than the simple ways to praise Him! It is just how we love to do it!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it was very important to give this statement on the blog.
I love both ways, and I love PU way to pray God.

Gitti said...

Agree to Susannes comment! But Praise Unit pure, accapella would be great. The voices of your singers can deliver a special spirit, they are more than good enough to do. So I would really like to listen the pure "stuff" of Praise Unit on your next tour, maybe some others, too?!

Thed said...

Just love you the way you are :)

Anonymous said...

I agree! Praise Unit is Praise Unit and you are unique!

Tyson said...

You are unique indeed, people! Rise to the glory of your finest! I saw your concert in Berlin and I feel like something in your music tried to tell me something. Next Monday I go back to my own country, but I have your CD and the memories from your concert as a sweet consecration to dwell upon.