

If you live in Sweden easter time is a time when the kids dress up like "påskakärringar", which is a kind of good witches, and walk door to door and do the trick-or-treat procedure. There are a lot of different traditions around easter all around the world. Some say that the story about Christ and how he rose from death is just one of many traditions around this time of year. But it's a fact, whether you like it or not, that what happened to Jesus in Jerusalem 2000 years ago has changed history more than any other historical event you can think of. The death of Jesus affects you, no matter who you are, where you live and what you believe in. So in my opinion it's not really just an easter tradition. And if you think about how much the drama on Calvary changed history for all of us, it's strange that some people only talk about it around easter, and maybe not even then. I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and that he has an impact on my life in everything I do. Sometimes it does not make a big difference, like when I cut my hair, but sometimes it makes all the difference, like when I make music together with Praise Unit. And I am grateful for every minute I feel his presence.

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