
You might a thousand or a few proven miracles if you want the truth or something else...

Even though we spend a lot of time arranging the music and trying different sounds on the songs, we try to never forget that every little note we sing and play is a tool to deliver our message. We try hard to make the lyrics make sense, grammatically as well as artistically, because we believe that what we have to say is important.

When the tenors had recorded 17 songs the last weekend there was only one line left to record on a song called "Open". For some reason it seemed impossible to find the perfect words for that particular line and we spent a lot of valuable recording time only trying to find what to sing in that particular phrase. Finally we believe we got the right words, and we like how it came out. So when you listen to this song on "the Mission Field" remember that there is one particular line that me, Tobias, Jakob and Jacob worked together with for a very long time, so that it would sound right in your ears.

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