
Day 1 - Christmasdrums are ringing!


This is the first report from our christmasproject. 
Me(simon), Tobias, Kristian and Johannes is having a session in Jönköping and recording some drums and here's day 1 of the week.

8.10 "Good Morning" and Breakfast time.
9.10 We're heading for the studio and Kristian and I began to change the drum-skins.
10.30 Anders Köllerfors(drumtechnician) arrived and started to tune my drums and gave me some tuning tip.
14.00 Lunch at a local Pizzeria
ca 15.30-18.30 Recording started
19.30 We decide to stop for the day. 

It's been a great today and I look forward to continue recording!

Keep you updated!!

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