
Another guest from Norway

If you like gospelmusic scandinavian style there are many artists and groups you can add to your CD collection. But I know that a lot of people say that Praise Unit is not gospelmusic, and the norwegian artist that just put his voice one of our songs is not first of all known among gospelmusic lovers either. So his voice on our CD might not be your average cup of old school church music. This guy has a musical history which is similar to my own in taste, but the big difference is that he has a voice that simply blows your mind.

I was a little nervous to ask him about adding his voice to our CD, because the other guests on the CD are people that I already knew would share the Praise Unit vision and the concept of "the Mission Field". For this guy I simply trusted things I had heard about him. Of course I was also influenced by the ministry he has done with his family and his former band throughout the years and also that his big sister is a good friend and does a great job looking after my daughter at her school.

When I spoke to him a couple of weeks ago I was not nervous anymore but just happy that he wanted to be part of this. He came to Sweden and was groovy like a ton of Motown players, but still down to earth and honest about his love for Jesus.

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