
Why a 3-year old kid would make a better president than Barack Obama!

There's a song called "My father" on the new Praise Unit CD. The lyrics for that song has been inside of me since I got a revelation from the bible verse where Jesus points to a child in the crowd and says that whoever humbles himself like that child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. The funny thing (or sad thing) is that in church we usually read that bible verse only when we have kids present, and we forget that Jesus was actually teaching the adults. When we want to nominate heroes we look for doctors, artists, politicians, authors and other great men and women who achieved a lot in their lives. But when Jesus was asked to answer who is the greatest among people he chose a child, even though Peter, John, James and the other apostles were present. Jesus said that we will never enter the kingdom of heaven unless we change and become like little children (I think it's important to make a note that he did not say "unless we change and ACT like little children", because we already act childish in many ways, but that's a different thing).

I am the father of two girls, Stella and Aina, and I have begun to realize the greatness in the relationship between a parent and the child. My children might cause me all sorts of troubles, but at the end of the day we always come back to the love we have for each other. And that in itself makes life so much easier for them, compared to if they would suddenly decide to turn to somebody else, or leave me, or pretend I don't exist, or subsitute my love for them with other emotions or material things. Nothing can substitute the love I have for my daughters and nothing can substitute the love God has for us.

The reason I say that a 3-year old kid is a better president than Barack Obama is not because I think that the brain of a little child can manage the complexity of governing a country. But I do know that when things go bad in our world we have a tendency to look at leaders, such as presidents, to take us out of the difficult situation. The result of such actions is the same as if my 3-year old daughter Aina would turn to that older kid in the playground to solve a problem instead of turning to me. But if instead we act like my daughter actually does when things go bad, which means turn to God, our father, with nothing but the intention of receiving his uncondintional love for us, then that would without a doubt make life so much easier.

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