

I actually got really excited to see the post below with all the guests. That might seem strange since I´m part of Praise Unit and I should be aware of these guests already. And I am...aware I mean. It´s just that it struck me how many people are involved in the Mission Field CD. And I can guarantee that all of them can sing, I mean they REALLY CAN SING. They are all sooooo awsome and it feels like such a blessing to have all of them helping us out. You won´t be disappointed. I promise.

I just got inside after a walk downtown Örebro. I went out to pick up some concert tickets. The tickets are for a Kirk Franklin concert in Stockholm, Sweden. And not only with Mr Franklin, both Praise Unit friends Samuel Ljungbladh and Ole Börud will play before him. I belive it will be a unforgetable evening. The concert is held November 8th in the Ericsson Globe, the biggest indoor arena in Sweden. It´s really cool that a christian event will take place there and I hope the tickets will sell out. If you´re interested check out www.ticnet.se and get your tickets there.

But before that it´s time for another concert......one week left to the release. Hope too see you there.......

/ Jakob

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