

Lately we've been working hard; to promote the releaseconcert, put a lot of energy into the coreographies, rehearsing the music, looking for clothes, shoes and accessories to wear, and it does feel important that we nail everything on Thursday. But it's so easy to lose yourself in all these preparations, and right now I think it's important for all of us to just remember the main cause for why we're doing it this in the first place. We'll be singing and playing our hearts out to proclaim the glory of God, and in the midst of all things one can worry about going wrong during a concert, we just have to rely on that God can work through anything. Even disasters. At least to me that is a big comfort. It won't make me try or work less hard to reach perfection, but it helps me realize that after all it's not all up to me if people will meet Jesus or not. It's up to God and he can even use my mistakes and turn them into something beautiful. Maybe my flaws will show somebody else, who feels unworthy of God's forgivness and grace, that it's not about being a christian and being perfect. It's about being human and loving God in all your imperfection.

To all of our friends, please pray for the release of the album and the concert. Pray that message will reach people's hears and God's will be done.

ps. Just to make things clear, I don't think it's gonna be a disaster... I think we're gonna rock Stockholm!

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